November 1, 2012

Dinner is served

Well, I didn't burn the castle down, and the end result was edible...I'd even go as far as saying it was yummy! However, I did need help from the regular chef in our house.

My main issue is timing. I'm not familiar with the cook time on anything, therefore the beans and potatoes were done about 15 minutes before the fish. Whoops. The hubs says it just takes practice. Fingers crossed. Here's what we had:

> green beans
> baby potatoes
> salmon with a pine nut/pesto and parmesan cheese crust

Everything was going well until I checked the fish 20 minutes in. It wasn't done, even though I was going to take it out and serve it. The hubs gave me some pointers on how to check to see if it's cooked for sure and also about cooking at higher temp for a shorter period of time. 

1 comment:

Jessica said...

It's better than what I can do! You'll be pro in no time :)