November 5, 2012

Farewell to the T Dot

We said our good-byes to our Toronto house this past weekend when we went to give the place a final clean-up, and I feel a bit conflicted about the whole thing. We brought Emmy home from the Hospital to that house, and it was our dream to own a house in that neighbourhood - so I definitely have bittersweet emotions swirling around in my heart after seeing it empty and knowing someone else will live there shortly.

However...I am SOOOO happy in our new home and our new city. I love the space we have here, I adore the proximity to Grama and Grampa and how easy it was to meet my Dad for lunch today. I love that the other night I woke up and thought there was a light on in the back yard, but it just turned out to be the moon and the big dipper (or little dipper...I didn't put my glasses on to make sure). I love how friendly and helpful and kind people are here.

I love how happy my little Lemon is. I love how happy and comfortable the hubs seems to be.

We are starting a new chapter. It doesn't mean that we have to forget about the chapter we just finished - it's all part of the Story of Us and I can't wait to see what happens next.
So long Toronto! We had fun while it lasted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that feeling, first houses are so special. And let's face it, Toronto rocks! But this new chapter will be the best one.