November 1, 2012

The Sofa has landed!

Yippie Skippie - we have a sectional sofa! Please forgive the poor quality, night time iPhone 3 camera photos, but you get the idea! We chose the Karlstad sectional sofa from Ikea because of the ridiculously affordable price, and because we already have one and know it's comfy (once the stiff cushions get worked in!). We also like it because down the road we can change out the look/feel of the room by purchasing a different cover for it if we want! The other plus is that you can tweak the layout of the sofa if you choose to move it to a different room. Because you assemble it yourself, you can move the long end of the "L" shape to either the right or the left, depending on your room configuration!! So cool!!

You can also see the beginning stages of our plan to line the tv wall with bookshelves - we will also add an MDF counter to the top of seven of them that will span from wall-to-wall to make them feel a little less Ikea and a little more built-in. Hopefully we will also add a bit of molding to the top and bottom to make them feel even more like furniture.

Apparently the hubs already has dibs on the corner seat on the sofa (lucky duck, it's pretty comfy!)!

Our existing ottoman matches perfectly! YAY!

Six out of seven of the shelves aren't put together yet, but we did get the tv up!
Slowly, but surely things are starting to come together.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love your ottoman!!!