November 22, 2012

Princess Emmerson's Room

Keep in mind there is lots left to do in her room, such as:
> source fabric
> have curtains and bench seat cushion made
> hang artwork
> make padded headboard 

...however she and I both love how the "pink castle" is coming along. If you ask Emmy "Do you like your room?", she will respond with "I love my pink castle" - and what better endorsement could I hope to receive that that? 

Here it is, in pictures, as of November 22nd:

Books, toys and some of our special things made it onto the built-in shelves. Still on the hunt for baskets to fit along the bottom!
That scrolled clock might be one of my all-time favourite finds!
The box on the upper shelf is a jack in the box of the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz that my parent's gave to me when I was a little girl. How special to be able to share it with my little girl. 
If your middle name is Lemon, you kinda need to have at least ONE lemon in your room, right?
This adult sized dresser is filled to the brim with all of Emmy's clothes, and keeps her Twilight Turtle safe so that he can shine stars and the moon on her walls at bedtime. That stained glass lamp was given to Max and I as a wedding gift from my Aunt Gail and Uncle David and it fits perfectly in Emmy's room. Another stunning treasure to pass along to her. 
The room is big enough to include this cartoony table and chair set from Ikea so we can have tea parties. Behind the table is the painting Max did for Emmy when she was still the Lemon in my tummy, inspired by the artwork that hangs above Carl and Ellie's fireplace mantle in my all-time favourite movie UP!
Here is where the princess lays her head and gets her beauty sleep. 
When the room was first painted I was sure I'd made a mistake choosing such a bubble-gum shade of pink and then an even brighter pink for the stripes, but now that we are filling the room up with all of Emmy's special things, I'm tickled pink (ha ha, pun intended) with my colour choices. 

We are headed out tomorrow AM to find the perfect fabric for Emmy's curtains - can't wait to share that update and see them installed in the coming weeks!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow! Her room is AWESOME!